Squid Game’s Massive $900M Revenue: Why Isn’t the Creator Receiving Royalties?

Squid Game's Massive $900M Revenue

The financial arrangement between the creator of Squid Game, Hwang Dong-hyuk, and Netflix has raised concerns regarding the lack of royalties for the show’s success. Despite the immense popularity and financial success of the series, Hwang Dong-hyuk stated in an interview that he did not receive any additional compensation beyond what was specified in the original contract. This has led to criticism from fans and the media, questioning the fairness of the situation.

While the absence of royalties for the creator might seem unfair, it’s important to note that the details of the contract and financial agreements between Hwang Dong-hyuk and Netflix are not publicly known. It is common in the entertainment industry for creators to sign away certain rights or agree to specific compensation terms, especially when dealing with large production companies or streaming platforms. These agreements can vary widely and depend on numerous factors, including negotiation power, industry norms, and individual circumstances.

Regarding the impact on Season 2 of Squid Game, it is uncertain whether the controversy surrounding the lack of royalties will directly affect the production or release of the next season. The decision to proceed with a new season will likely depend on various factors, such as viewer demand, creative considerations, and contractual agreements between Hwang Dong-hyuk and Netflix. It’s possible that the criticism and public attention might influence negotiations for future seasons or lead to a reevaluation of compensation terms.

It’s worth mentioning that the issue of creators not receiving their fair share of profits is a broader concern in the entertainment industry. As the popularity of Korean content grows globally, there is a growing conversation about the need for fair compensation and recognition for the creative individuals behind these successful projects. This discussion may contribute to changes in industry practices and encourage platforms and production companies to revisit their compensation structures.


Netflix recently faced significant backlash regarding the treatment and working conditions of K-Content creators. In response, the streaming giant released a statement asserting that they pay fair and highly competitive rates to their Korean production partners, ensuring compliance with Korean law. However, it was uncovered that Korean law previously allowed workdays to extend beyond 24 hours, which led to excessively long shoots, some exceeding 130 hours per week. The Mary Sue reported that unpaid labor was prevalent, as only officially filmed days were counted, leaving pre-production work unrecognized.

This revelation has left fans dissatisfied and concerned for the makers of the show. However, it is important to note that the contract between the creators and the studio was signed before anyone anticipated the show’s immense success, not just in Korea but worldwide. While it may have been ideal for the makers and the studio to revisit the contract considering the show’s newfound fame, it is possible that they have already done so for the upcoming season.

The show’s immense popularity has generated significant hype, particularly with the announcement of a new cast. Fans are eagerly awaiting the creative choices made by the makers for both new and returning characters. Their greatest hope is that, for the second season, everyone involved, including actors, directors, writers, and the studio, have negotiated a new contract that takes into account the show’s heightened expectations and global fame, ensuring fair and equal compensation for all parties involved

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