Shipping Corporation of India

shipping corporation of india

When you think of shipping, India is probably not the first place that comes to mind. However, India has a long and illustrious history when it comes to maritime trade. The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) is the country’s largest shipping company and handles a vast array of commercial vessels and supply ships across both domestic and international waters. In this blog post, we’ll explore the history of SCI as well as its current standing in the industry. We’ll also look at some of the work SCI does today to keep Indian commerce and trade afloat. Read on to learn more about how this important organization keeps India moving forward.

What is the shipping corporation of India?

The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) is the largest shipping company in India and has a history that dates back to 1961. SCI has a strong presence in the international shipping market with a fleet of over 100 vessels that includes crude oil tankers, product tankers, container ships, dry bulk carriers and LNG carriers.

SCI also offers liner services, chartering services, offshore support vessels, and ship management services. The company has a network of offices in all major Indian ports and cities as well as representative offices in London, New York, Dubai, Singapore, and Tokyo.

The different types of shipping corporations in India

There are different types of shipping corporations in India. The most common type is the private shipping company. These companies are usually owned by an individual or a group of individuals. They operate their own ships and provide services to their customers.

Another type of shipping corporation in India is the public sector shipping company. These companies are owned by the government and they provide services to the general public. They also have their own ships and they are responsible for transporting goods and people from one place to another.

The third type of shipping corporation in India is the joint sector shipping company. These companies are jointly owned by the government and the private sector. They provide services to both the public and the private sectors. They have their own ships and they are responsible for transporting goods and people from one place to another.

Pros and Cons of shipping corporation of India

There are both pros and cons to working with the Shipping Corporation of India. On the plus side, they are a large and well-established company that offers a variety of shipping services. Also, they have a good name and are known for being trustworthy. On the downside, they can be inflexible and difficult to work with at times. They also have been known to have high prices. Overall, they are a good choice for shipping needs, but it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks before working with them.

What are the shipping routes of the corporation of India?

The biggest shipping company in India is the Shipping Corporation of India (SCI). It is a Government of India Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) and provides liner shipping services, offshore drilling services, ship management services, and logistics services.

The SCI has a strong presence in international shipping markets with a large fleet of vessels that ply on various routes across the globe. The SCI’s liner shipping business operates through a network of offices and representatives spread across major ports and cities around the world. The main office of the company is in Mumbai, India.

The SCI’s fleet consists of over 100 vessels that includes crude oil tankers, product tankers, dry bulk carriers, container ships, passenger ships and Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs).

The company’s tanker fleet is one of the largest in India and it comprises crude oil tankers, product tankers and LPG/ammonia carriers. The SCI has a modern fleet of double hull crude oil tankers that are capable of carrying large volumes of oil. These vessels are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and meet the latest safety standards.

The SCI’s dry bulk carrier fleet comprises handymax, supramax and panamax vessels that can carry a variety of cargo such as iron ore, coal, grain, fertilizers etc. The company also owns and operates a number of container ships that

How to become a captain in the shipping corporation of India?

In order to become a captain in the Shipping Corporation of India, one must first meet the minimum eligibility requirements. These requirements include being at least 21 years of age and holding a valid Indian maritime document. In addition, candidates must have completed an approved training course from an institute recognized by the Director General of Shipping. Finally, candidates must pass an examination administered by the Shipping Corporation of India.

Alternatives to the shipping corporation of india

There are many alternatives to the Shipping Corporation of India. Some of the most popular shipping companies in India include Maersk Line, Mediterranean Shipping Company, CMA CGM, and Cosco Shipping.


The Shipping Corporation of India has proven to be a vital cog in the growth and development of Indian trade. SCI is one of the leading names when it comes to shipping services, providing reliable and efficient transportation solutions for goods across the world. With its wide array of vessels, state-of-the-art facilities, and experienced personnel, SCI ensure that goods are safely delivered on time at competitive prices. From cargo carriers to passenger ferries, from dry bulkers to chemical tankers – SCI offers unmatched quality services that have been instrumental in transforming global markets.

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