Google Ads Announces Changes To Location Targeting Settings

Google Ads Announces Changes

Google Ads has announced changes to its location targeting settings that will make it easier for advertisers to target specific locations. The changes include new options for targeting city-level locations and the ability to target locations by postal code. These changes will help advertisers better target their ads to the people who are most likely to be interested in their products or services.

Changes To Targeting Settings

As of July 24, Google Ads is making changes to the way location targeting works. The new settings will give advertisers more control over where their ads are shown, and will make it easier to target specific locations.

Previously, location targeting was based on a user’s IP address, which could sometimes lead to ads being shown to users in the wrong location. With the new settings, advertisers will be able to specify exactly which locations they want to target, and will no longer have to rely on IP-based targeting.

The new location targeting settings will be available in the “Location Options” section of the campaign settings page. Advertisers will be able to choose from a list of countries, states, cities, and postal codes, and can also specify a radius around a specific location.

These changes will make it easier for advertisers to target their ads to the right audience, and will make location-based targeting more accurate.

What Does This Mean for Advertisers?

In September, Google announced significant changes to the way location targeting works in Google Ads. Starting in October, advertisers will no longer be able to target ads to specific locations at the city or postal code level. Instead, they’ll need to target ads to broader geographic areas, such as countries, states, or regions.

So what does this mean for advertisers?

For starters, it means that you’ll need to rethink your location targeting strategy. If you’re used to targeting ads to specific cities or postal codes, you’ll now need to target ads to larger geographic areas.

This could have a big impact on your campaigns, especially if you’re targeting a small area. For example, if you’re targeting a city with a population of 1 million people, you’ll now need to target a region with a population of 10 million people.

The good news is that you can still target ads to specific locations, such as landmarks, businesses, or neighborhoods. And you can still use location targeting to reach people who are searching for things in your area.

Overall, the changes to location targeting are a good thing for advertisers. They’ll force you to think more broadly about your target audience and how to reach them. And they’ll ultimately help you reach more people with your ads.

Google Ads is introducing changes to the location targeting settings across campaign types starting in March.

Starting in March, Google Ads will be making changes to the location targeting settings for all campaign types. This means that advertisers will need to adjust their campaigns accordingly to ensure that their ads are being shown to the right people in the right places.

The changes are as follows:

– The “People in, search for, or show interest in your target locations” setting will be removed.

– The “People in your excluded locations” setting will be removed.

– The “Location groups” setting will be renamed to “Targeting.”

– The “Locations” setting will be renamed to “Exclusions.”

These changes will simplify the location targeting process and make it more consistent across all campaign types. Advertisers should take note of these changes and make the necessary adjustments to their campaigns before March.

The aim is to simplify and align the targeting process, making it more intuitive for advertisers.

Google Ads is making some changes to its location targeting settings that aim to simplify and align the targeting process, making it more intuitive for advertisers.

Previously, location targeting was set at the campaign level, meaning that all ad groups within a campaign would target the same locations. Now, location targeting will be set at the ad group level, allowing advertisers to target different locations with different ad groups.

Google is also introducing some new location targeting options, including the ability to target by radius around a specific location, and by postal code.

These changes should make it easier for advertisers to target their ads to the right locations, and should help to improve the accuracy of location targeting.

One of the significant changes is the removal of the “Search interest: People searching for your target locations” targeting option.

As of September 2019, Google is making changes to the location targeting settings in Google Ads. One of the significant changes is the removal of the Search interest People searching for your target locations targeting option.

Google has been gradually making changes to the way location targeting works in Google Ads. In the past, advertisers had the option to target people based on their search interest. For example, if you were targeting people in the United States, you could choose to target people who were searching for terms related to the United States.

However, Google is now removing this option. Advertisers will only be able to target people based on their actual location. This change is likely to have a significant impact on the way that advertisers target their campaigns.

Google has not given a specific reason for why this change is being made. However, it is likely that the company is trying to simplify the location targeting options and make it easier for advertisers to target their campaigns.

The change to location targeting is just one of many changes that Google has made to the way that Google Ads works. In the past year, the company has also made changes to the way that keywords are targeted, the way that ads are served, and the way that reporting works.

As Google continues to make changes to the way that Google Ads works, it is important for advertisers to stay up-to-date on the latest changes. Advertisers who are not familiar with the latest changes may find that their campaigns are not as effective as they could be.

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