How to Prepare Your Website for the December 2022 Google Updates: Ranking Data and Link Spam

December 2022 Google Updates

As December 2022 approaches and Google announces their algorithmic updates, it is important to have your website ready. To do this, it is essential to focus on two key areas: ranking data and link spam. Ranking data includes the content, titles, and descriptions of your pages and the quality of your backlinks, while link spam is any link that looks unnatural. By preparing your website for these updates, you will be able to maintain your website’s visibility, improving your chances of attracting more customers and generating more revenue. In this article, we’ll discuss how to properly prepare your website for the December 2022 Google updates, so you can ensure your website is ready for the changes.

Overview of Google’s December 2022 Algorithmic Updates

December 2022 Algorithmic Updates

On July 23, 2019, Google announced two major updates in the coming years, including one in December 2022. Although each of these updates has a different name and will affect websites in different ways, they are both part of the broader initiative to combat content farms and link spammers. The December 2022 update will target low-quality sites that use manipulative practices to obtain links. As a result, it will be more difficult for these sites to obtain links and rank well in Google’s SERPs. The update will also affect websites that use large amounts of automation, such as content farms. Although the December 2022 update is scheduled to go live in less than two years, Google has not yet specified what the update will look like. As such, webmasters must prepare their websites for all possible changes to Google’s algorithm.

Steps to Take to Prepare Your Website for the December 2022 Google Updates

To ensure your website is ready for the December 2022 Google updates, you must first evaluate your ranking data and remove any link spam. Once you have done these two things, you can focus on better preparing your website for the updates by improving your content and backlinks. Let’s go over each of these steps in more detail below. – Evaluate Ranking Data – The key to preparing your website for the December 2022 Google updates is evaluating your ranking data. This includes the content, titles, and descriptions of your pages, as well as the backlinks pointing to your website. Once you have assessed these areas, you can focus on improving them to ensure your website is ready. – Remove Link Spam – Out of all the steps you must take to prepare your website for the December 2022 Google updates, removing link spam may be the most important. If you have links to your website that look unnatural, Google may consider them link spam. This could result in your site being penalized, and your ranking data being negatively affected. To prevent this, you must thoroughly examine the links pointing to your website and remove those that look unnatural. – Benefits of Properly Preparing Your Website for the December 2022 Google Updates – When your website is properly prepared for the December 2022 Google updates, you will be able to maintain your website’s visibility in Google, increasing the likelihood of attracting new customers. This also means you are less likely to lose traffic, which could result in a drop in revenue. By preparing your website for the December 2022 Google updates, you will be able to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring that your website is always ready for any changes to Google’s algorithm. – Tips for Ensuring Your Website Is Ready for the December 2022 Google Updates – There are many things you can do to ensure your website is ready for the December 2022 Google updates, including improving your content, increasing the quality of your backlinks, and removing link spam. Let’s talk more about each of these things below.


The December 2022 Google updates will be a significant shift in Google’s algorithm to combat content farms and link spammers. To ensure your website is ready for the changes, you must first evaluate your ranking data and remove any link spam. Once you have done these two things, you can focus on better preparing your website for the updates by improving your content and backlinks. While you can’t predict what the December 2022 Google updates will look like, you can be prepared for all possible changes to Google’s algorithm by following these steps.

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