Twitter’s Valuation Halved to $20 Billion: Elon Musk’s Stark Warning on Financial Stability

elon musk

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has been on a Twitter rant for the last few days. He’s been tweeting about how Twitter is on a path of “inverse startup” and that it’s “doomed”.

In a recent email, Elon Musk disclosed alarming news about Twitter’s financial status, revealing that the company is just four months away from running out of money. Alongside this concerning prediction, Musk also highlighted a significant reduction in Twitter’s valuation, which has reportedly halved to $20 billion. Here’s a closer look at the implications of these revelations.

Elon Musk has stated that he believes the social media platform is headed in a negative direction. His argument is that Twitter started out as an open platform where anyone could speak freely to anyone else but now it’s becoming more like Facebook with its algorithms and censorship.

Tesla is an American technology company founded by Elon Musk and currently run by him.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, revealed in a tweet that he made a July 5th tweet about how he can’t wait for July 29th to see where Twitter’s valuation is at. It has since been reported that Twitter’s valuation halved from $20 billion to $8 billion.

On July 11th, Musk revealed his email saying that it was sent to the wrong address and ended up in the hands of journalists before being sent out again.

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