Download Auto-GPT like this, know the complete process of installing AI tool

Download Auto-GPT like this, know the complete process of installing AI tool

Auto-GPT is an automated computer program that automatically generates software patches for Windows.

Auto-GPT is a software patching tool, which automates the process of creating software patches for Windows. It can generate patches to fix any vulnerability on any version of Windows. For example, it can detect and fix a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 10 running on Windows 8.1 or newer versions within minutes.

First of all go to After this, Git for Windows has to be downloaded.
After this you have to come to The latest version of the app has to be downloaded from here.
It will be necessary to enable “Add python.exe to PATH” while installing.
After selecting the drive, a new folder of AutoGPT has to be created.
After going to the command bar of the folder, type cmd to open the command window.
Have to search AutoGPT on GitHub. After this, the file with the highest number of stars has to be opened.
After clicking on the code, the HTTPS code has to be copied.
Paste the HTTPS code on the command window and click on Enter.
The GitHub files will appear on the AutoGPT folder.
Will have to go back to the AutoGPT page. pip install -r requirements.txt has to be copied.
Open the AutoGPT folder and open the command bar. Here the copied link has to be pasted after E:\AI\AutoGPT>.
After installing AutoGPT on the system, click on the .env.template file in notepad from the folder.

Visit and create pincode key for AutoGPT here.
The pinecone key and region have to be pasted in the .eve.template file.

Have to come to and here create your own secret OpenAI key. have to click on Key to .env.template file. Must be pasted in.
.env.tempelate file has to be saved and renamed from .env.
AutoGPT can now be used.

Disclaimer- Users should install AutoGPT only on the basis of their own responsibility and understanding.

Topic: Tech World

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